Biographies of "Politics" peoples starting with H letter
Hugo Black biography |
Hun Sen biography |
Hugo Chávez biography |
Hunter Duncan biography |
Hugues Portelli biography |
Hussain Muhammad Ershad biography |
Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco biography |
People born today, 30th of January (35)
Passed away on 30th of January
Eslanda Goode Robeson (1965)
2. Gustave Le Bon (1931) 3. Stanley Tookie Williams (2005) 4. Smita Patil (1986) 5. K.C. Irving (1992) 6. Henry de Monfreid (1974) 7. Kenneth Colin Irving (1992) 8. Konrad von Gesner (1565) 9. Cornelius Cardew (1981) 10. Egas Moniz (1955) 11. Ella Baker (1986) 12. Nichita Stanescu (1983) 13. Philippe Clay (2007) 14. B. Gratz Brown (1885) 15. Alice Marble (1990) 16. Prince Albert (1861) 17. Samuel Johnson (1784) 18. Samuel Gompers (1924) 19. Wassily Kandinsky (1944) 20. Léon Gambetta (1882) |