Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 official trailer is here!
Scenes with lot of people with red eyes are featured in the short clip, a magic wall of water, but also reveales the big battle between Edward's family and The Volturi.Here is the new trailer of none other than Twilight : Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie. The clumsy and somehow annoying Bella (Kristen Stewart) is now in her best shape, as a vampire unveiling her new skin tone and eye color. Scenes with lot of people with red eyes are featured in the short clip, a magic wall of water are seen, but also the clip reveales the big battle between Edward's family and The Volturi.
In the trailer, Edward (Robert Pattinson) tells Bella that the Volturi, the ruling coven of vampires, have come to believe that their daughter, Renesemee, is an "immortal child." They believe a human child that's been turned into a vampire is too dangerous and unpredictable to be allowed to live, so their leader, Aro (Michael Sheen), assembles a force to take her. The greatest parts are when Bella is showing off her new skills (she possesses super-speed and jumping ability). We're also revealed a pack of wolves and a smiling scene between Bella and her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner), which actually tells her that she's still looking like her. This intense movie premieres worldwide November 16th.
Watch here the new Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Official trailer II:

added on Monday 24th July 2023