Pop princess Rihanna shares pictures from the video set of Princess of China on BrowseBiography

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Pop princess Rihanna shares pictures from the video set of Princess of China

While fans are waiting for the video premiere of Take Care clip which will feature Drake, Rihanna shares on her Twitter account on Friday morning, March 23 some pics from the video set of the single-collaboration with Coldplay Princess of China . Ririh posted a message Gangsta goth geisha #thuglife #princessofchina, followed by three pictures showing her with an amazing makeover, almost unrecognizable: she is wearing a brunette wig with a Chinese-style makeup, and some very long golden-nails. In one of the pics she is seen smoking.

Pop princess Rihanna shares pictures from the video set of Princess of China Pop princess Rihanna shares pictures from the video set of Princess of China biography Pop princess Rihanna shares pictures from the video set of Princess of China biography

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