Lamb Of God's Blythe still in Czech bail, bandmates share support
Czech authorities arrested the singer last Wednesday, alleging the 41-year-old, Richmond, Virginia-based singer pushed a fan, identified in the Czech press only as 19-year-old "Daniel N.," from the stage at a May 2010 concert in Prague.Despite posting bail (4 million Czech korun, which equals a little less than U.S. $200,000), Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe remains imprisoned in a Czech jail at least 10 days, accused of leading to the 2010 death of a fan who attended one of their concerts. His bandmates, who have returned to America without him, have pledged their support in a new statement. On July 6th, the group has also asked the public to contribute to Blythe's legal fund, via Facebook.
Lamb of God say they were hesitant to make a statement earlier because the circumstances of the case continue to shift. Yesterday, video footage that appears to exonerate Blythe by demonstrating the fan in question, a 19-year-old known as Daniel N., jumped off the stage several times without being touched by Blythe. Daniel later died of injuries authorities say he sustained at a May 2010 Lamb of God show. The group's statement reads:
First of all, thanks to everyone who has reached out in support of Randy and each of us in this terrible situation. It’s noted and very much appreciated.
We have been keeping our heads down and not speaking out due to the fluid nature of the situation and the constantly changing information that even we receive daily.
Within an hour things can do endless 180’s. It’s maddening to try and make heads or tails.
We’re taking the time to speak to you as it has been a significant period of time since this situation began and while nothing is immediately clear to any of us, we are not trying to keep anyone in the dark.
We have reached out and are making use of the resources we have acquired to help our brother who is still detained in Czech jail.
In the two years since, we were never notified of anything related to this incident.
Randy is our brother and we assure you, we are all staying very positive for him, working endlessly behind the scenes to provide any and all assistance possible.
The best we can do is to stay positive and continue to support our friend that we know is innocent.
We know that justice will prevail and we will continue to do our part to support our friend.
Czech authorities arrested the singer last Wednesday, alleging the 41-year-old, Richmond, Virginia-based singer pushed a fan, identified in the Czech press only as 19-year-old "Daniel N.," from the stage at a May 2010 concert in Prague and that the fan hurt his head in the fall. Daniel died two weeks later after going into a coma from a brain hemorrhage. A statement from the Prague police is charging Blythe with "the crime of bodily harm of the fourth degree resulting in the death of the fan," according to The New York Times.

added on Monday 24th July 2023