Janet Jackson's weight loss program revealed within a TV spot
"This is what success looks like," Jackson all smiles enthuses in an advertising spot for the brand. "I lost the pounds I wanted to lose and you can too." Video below.
The 45-year-old singer Janet Jackson has recently debuted in a NutriSystem Slim TV spot with different look: she is like half or at least 70% the woman she was. Famous for her years of yo-yo dieting, Janet Jackson has finally found a diet plan she can stick to -- and is showing off her hot bod in a brand new TV spot. As the NutriSystem spokeswoman, to which plan she signed back in December we must agree she looks fabulous.
She previously revealed that since her brother's death in 2009 she was eating excessively because of the the emotional drama she had suffered. In January, the star told Jay Leno her heaviest weight was 180 pounds, a figure she hit while preparing for a movie role that was postponed.
"This is what success looks like," Jackson all smiles enthuses in an advertising spot for the brand. "I lost the pounds I wanted to lose and you can too."

added on Monday 24th July 2023