Goldman Sachs exec resigns after naming public the firm toxic
A Goldman Sachs executive has resigned from his positin in the firm, which he named it public "toxic" and disrespectful of its clients as a piece published in Wednesday's New York Times reads.
"I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it," wrote Greg Smith on his "last day at Goldman Sachs," capping 12 years with Wall Street's gilded firm.
In a memo sent to employees, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein and Chief Operating Officer Gary Cohn said they were "disappointed to read the assertions made by this individual that do not reflect our values."
Smith -- who resigned as a Goldman executive director and head of U.S. equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa -- detailed the disintegration of the company's culture during his time there.
Goldman spokesman Michael Duvally released a statement that contradicted Smith's diatribe.
"We disagree with the views expressed, which we don't think reflect the way we run our business," said Duvally. "In our view, we will only be successful if our clients are successful. This fundamental truth lies at the heart of how we conduct ourselves."
Meanwhile, another giant executive has resigned. This time it was announced that James Whittaker has left his position as an engineer director at Google due to company's lately focus on social and advertising, that are killing entrepreneurship and innovation at the same time. James took instead a job at Microsoft, where he had previously worked. On a recent blog post, he explained the reason of leaving Google: the company has lost its way by blindly trying to compete with Facebook.
"The Google I was passionate about was a technology company that empowered its employees to innovate," Whittaker wrote. "The Google I left was an advertising company with a single corporate-mandated focus."

added on Monday 24th July 2023