Biographies for the people starting with j letter

Biographies of peoples starting with J letter

James Blish biography

James Frazer biography

James Blood Ulmer biography

James Galway biography

James Bogardus biography

James Gamble Rogers biography

James Bovard biography

James Gandolfini biography

James Branch Cabell biography

James Garner biography

James Brown biography

James Gibbs biography

James Brown(Ro.) biography

James Goldsmith biography

James Bryant Conant biography

James H. Meredith biography

James Bryce. 1st Viscount Bryce biography

James Hadley Billington biography

James Buchanan biography

James Hall biography

James Buchanan Duke biography

James Hampson biography

James Buchanan Eads biography

James Harris biography

James Burrows biography

James Harrison (football) biography

James Burton biography

James Harvey Robinson biography

James Butler (American football) biography

James Haven biography

James Caan biography

James Henry Breasted biography

James Cagney biography

James Henry Scullin biography

James Cameron biography

James Hetfield biography

James Carr biography

James Hoban biography

James Carter biography

James Holt biography

James Casey biography

James Horner biography

James Clerk Maxwell biography

James Huth biography

James Cleveland biography

James Hutton biography

James Coburn biography

James Ihedigbo biography

James Cone biography

James Ingo Freed biography

James Conlon biography

James Ingram biography

James Cook biography

James Irwin biography

James Cotton biography

James Ivory biography

James Couzens biography

James J. Hill biography

James D. Watson biography

James J. McCarthy biography

James Dean biography

James Jones (basketball) biography

James Denton biography

James Jones (wide receiver) biography

James Dickey biography

James Joyce biography

James Dobson biography

James King biography

James Dyson biography

James Knox Polk biography

James E. Hansen biography

James L. Bevel biography

James Earl Jones biography

James L. Brooks biography

James Earl Russell biography

James Laurinaitis biography

James F. Byrnes biography

James LeBron biography

James Farentino biography

James Lee Burke biography

James Farmer Jr. biography

James Levine biography

James Farrior biography

James Logan Jones, Jr. biography

James Fenimore Cooper biography

James Lovelock biography

James Fisk biography

James M. Cain biography

James Ford Rhodes biography

James Madison biography

James Forman biography

James Marsden biography

James Forrestal biography

James Marsters biography

James Fox biography

James McAvoy biography

James Franck biography

James McKeen Cattell biography

James Franco biography

James McMurtry biography

People born today, 9th of March (35)
Passed away on 9th of March

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