Biographies for people starting with j letter on Famous Figures category

Biographies of "Famous Figures" peoples starting with J letter

James Hadley Billington biography

Jean Amrouche biography

James Ivory biography

Jean Anouilh biography

James Joyce biography

Jean Bart biography

James Lee Burke biography

Jean Baudrillard biography

James M. Cain biography

Jean Bernard Pouy biography

James Merrill biography

Jean Boisselier biography

James Michener biography

Jean Calvin biography

James Moody biography

Jean Claude Bologne biography

James P. Johnson biography

Jean Cocteau biography

James Patrick Donleavy biography

Jean d'Ormesson biography

James Reston biography

Jean de Brunhoff biography

James Sacré biography

Jean de La Bruyère biography

James Stephens (author) biography

Jean Dif biography

James Thurber biography

Jean Dubuffet (En.) biography

James Truslow Adams biography

Jean Dutourd biography

James Van Der Zee biography

Jean Echenoz biography

James Weldon Johnson biography

Jean Filliozat biography

James Whitcomb Riley biography

Jean Genet biography

James Wilson Morrice biography

Jean Giono biography

Jamie Dimon biography

Jean Giraudoux (En.) biography

Jamie Strachan biography

Jean Gottmann biography

Jan Matzeliger biography

Jean Kerouac biography

Jan Vermeer biography

Jean Lacouture biography

Jane Addams biography

Jean Lartéguy biography

Jane Austen biography

Jean Le Boël biography

Jane Bowles biography

Jean Libis biography

Jane Croly biography

Jean M. Auel biography

Jane Pierce biography

Jean Marc Baude biography

Jane Wyman biography

Jean Marc Roberts biography

Janet Burroway biography

Jean Mayer biography

Janice Dickinson biography

Jean Moréas biography

Jarrod Branch biography

Jean Moscopol biography

Jascha Heifetz biography

Jean Moulin biography

Jason Bateman biography

Jean Nidetch biography

Javed Akhtar biography

Jean Orizet biography

Jay Gould biography

Jean Racine biography

Jay Leno biography

Jean Raspail biography

Jay McShann biography

Jean Renoir biography

Jay Ward biography

Jean Rhys biography

Jaya Prada biography

Jean Rolin biography

People born today, 18th of October (38)
Passed away on 18th of October

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