Biographies for people starting with b letter on Famous Figures category

Biographies of "Famous Figures" peoples starting with B letter

Bob Wills biography

Bruce Barton biography

Bobby Deen biography

Bruce Haack biography

Bobby Flay biography

Bruni-Sarkozy, Carla biography

Bobby Hackett biography

Bruno Étienne biography

Bobby Margolis biography

Bruno Bettelheim biography

Bobby Short biography

Bud Abbott biography

Bohuslav Martinu biography

Bud Powell biography

Bola Sete biography

Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu biography

Booker Little biography

Buddy Ebsen biography

Booker T. Washington biography

Buddy Holly biography

Boots Randolph biography

Buddy Johnson biography

Boris Pasternak biography

Buddy Rich biography

Boualem Sansal biography

Buddy Tate biography

Boyd Henry Bode biography

Buffalo Bill biography

Bram Stoker biography

Buffalo Bob Smith biography

Brenda C. Barnes biography

Bugsy Siegel biography

Brenda Fassie biography

Bukka White biography

Bret Harte biography

Bunker Roy biography

Breton André biography

Burl Ives biography

Brian Friel biography

Burt Bacharach biography

Brigham Young biography

Burt Lancaster biography

Brittany Anne Murphy biography

Busby Berkeley biography

Brody Jenner biography

Buster Keaton biography

Bronson Alcott biography

Butterfly McQueen biography

Brown, John biography


People born today, 20th of February (35)
Passed away on 20th of February

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