Biographies for people starting with w letter on Arhitecture and Engineering category

Biographies of "Arhitecture and Engineering" peoples starting with W letter

W.K. Kellogg biography

William Matthew Petrie biography

Wael Ghonim biography

William Morris biography

Wallace Harrison biography

William Robertson Smith biography

Walter Christaller biography

William Stukeley biography

Walter Gropius biography

William Thornton biography

Wilhelm Dörpfeld biography

William Wurster biography

Wilhelm Schmidt biography

William Zebina Ripley biography

William C. Weldon biography

Willy Messerschmitt biography

William Duddell biography

Wilson Greatbatch biography

William F. Albright biography

Wolfgang Apel (de) biography

William Henry Holmes biography

Wrong Way Corrigan biography

William Kennedy Dickson biography


People born today, 12th of March (35)
Passed away on 12th of March

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