Biographies for people starting with l letter on Arhitecture and Engineering category

Biographies of "Arhitecture and Engineering" peoples starting with L letter

Lakshmi Mittal biography

Lester Frank Ward biography

Lansburgh,Gustave Albert biography

Lewis Henry Morgan biography

Lars Burmeister biography

Lewis Lucke biography

Layamon biography

Lisa P. Jackson biography

Lazare Carnot biography

Lord Carnarvon biography

Lazzaro Spallanzani biography

Louis Kahn biography

Le Corbusier biography

Louis Leakey biography

Le Corbusier (en) biography

Louis Sullivan biography

Leland Stanford biography

Louise Arner Boyd biography

Leo Apotheker (de) biography

Louise Bethune biography

Leo Frobenius biography

Lucien Lévy-Bruhl biography

Leo Hendrik Baekeland biography

Lucio Costa biography

Leo Szilard biography

Ludwig Apfelbeck (de) biography

Leonard Charles Woolley biography

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe biography

Leslie White biography

Luis Barragan biography

People born today, 5th of February (35)
Passed away on 5th of February

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