Biographies for people starting with k letter on Arhitecture and Engineering category

Biographies of "Arhitecture and Engineering" peoples starting with K letter

K. Eric Drexler biography

King Camp Gillette biography

Kálmán Kandó biography

Klaus Backmund (de) biography

Karl Benz biography

Knud Rasmussen biography

Karl Friedrich Schinkel biography

Kodja Mimar Sinan biography

Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig biography

Konosuke Matsushita biography

Karl Ritter (geographer) biography

Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov biography

Kenzo Tange biography

Koolhaas Rem biography

Kevin Roche biography

Kunio Maekawa biography

Kim Eric Drexler biography


People born today, 26th of December (35)
Passed away on 26th of December

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